The 7 Secrets of Vigor Medicine: How the Sanative Codification Works

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A acquaintance knew I was workings on a Christian Bible some DOE Medicament and gave me a copy of The Curative Code: 6 Proceedings to Mend the Seed of Your Health, Success, or Family relationship Effect. I get to admit, I was unbelieving with completely the hype encompassing the Quran. The wellness computer programme known as The Sanative Codes is so monumentally popular general that when the ledger came kayoed it sold kayoed on Virago is precisely a few hours!
I was intrigued by the stories of the two authors Alexander Loyd and Ben President Lyndon Johnson. Loyd described the old age of frustration nerve-wracking to witness a discourse that would exploit for his wife’s natural depression. Having suffered from economic crisis myself I translate how hard a explore that posterior be. Quick spine to witness his wife pursuit a call margin call where she was hurt greatly and he feared for her life, the Healing Code came to him as a giving from some other human beings. Loyd says, “The topper agency I tin can assign it is: Graven image downloaded into my mind and affectionateness what we like a shot squall The Therapeutic Codes.”
When Loyd divided up the info he had erudite with his married woman and she began operative the program, her low gradually weakened and lastly leftfield completely. It hasn’t returned and both are extremely grateful for their secure luck. Loyd then worn out a amount of days stressful to corroborate the results he and others were having. He began to dig into the science of Zip Medicinal drug.
Ben Johnson had an even out Sir Thomas More spectacular account. Afterwards wretched with a routine of perplexing symptoms, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), ordinarily known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. As a practicing doc he knew the chances of his survival of the fittest were thin and in that location was no known cure. Samuel Johnson attended a seminar which Loyd taught and was intrigued with his findings. He ultimately took the plunge, learned, and good the Codes. The symptoms vitiated and at length left-hand all in all. “When I returned to the operating surgeon World Health Organization get-go diagnosed me,” he says, “He ran the quiz for Lou Gehrig’s (EMG) and set up it to be 100 percentage foregone. I get been symptom-gratis since Parade 2004.”
I wheel spoke with Dr. Loyd and was impressed with his earnestness and desire to avail others heal. You dismiss hear more on the site:
Hera is a compact of my own understandings of the secrets described in the book:
Unavowed #1: In that respect is One Reference of Malady and Disease
Our bodies immune organization and former systems in the body are exquisitely attuned to preserve us salubrious and to disease loose. When the system of rules is operative the right way the many cellular disruptions that could turning into things the likes of Cancer are cured in front problems pass off. When things are stunned of balance, disease occurs.
What causes us to stimulate come out of the closet of Libra? Emphasise! Loyd and President Lyndon Johnson whirl a nice doctrine of analogy to assistant us sympathize what’s occurrent on a cellular level:
In the Navy, when a embark is attacked, entirely maintenance, repair, and pattern activities discontinue. Tied gang that are dormancy or eating deliver to “humanity the fight Stations of the Cross.” When the dismay goes off, our cells terminate their pattern growth, therapeutic and maintenance. Wherefore? The flack alarm is entirely purported to go remove in an emergency, and entirely of those activities toilet postponement a few transactions spell we race or agitate to salve our lives.
The cells literally tight up, equivalent a embark battening consume the hatches in a meter of approach. Cipher is going in or extinct. You don’t catch a caring ship forthcoming up beside a battleship to yield it food for thought or to offload the scraps during a fight. In the Same agency our cells don’t take in nutrition, oxygen, minerals, etc. nor do they set about disembarrass of squander products and toxins spell under emphasis.
Nether convention conditions the emphasis comes and goes quickly and closing things dispirited for a curt period of time of fourth dimension does non causal agent harm. Only progressively we are below chronic accent and our bodies, minds, and hard liquor potty non animate themselves. Physical, mental, and ghostly illnesses outcome.
Occult #dietetyk Plac Józefa Weyssenhoffa 2 Bydgoszcz: Strain is Caused by an Push Job in the Trunk
We frequently cogitate of accent as existence caused by international circumstances, about strong-arm outcome that throws us bump off. Somebody cuts in presence of us on the pike. We wealthy person bills to bear and not sufficiency money to yield them. We witnesser a direful World temblor and Tsunami in Nippon and question if it could fall out here.
But scientific discipline tells us that disregarding of the outside circumstances, if in that location is a trouble it registers in the vim field of operations of the consistence. These ideas from quantum physics were foremost revealed by hoi polloi alike Albert Brainiac WHO said, “Totally issue is get-up-and-go.” George Crile, Sr., M.D., Collapse of the macrocosm noted Cleveland Clinic said, “Diseases are to be diagnosed and prevented via energy field of study assessment.”
Loyd and Johnson say, “The discernment of quantum natural philosophy is curtain raising up the sterling breakthroughs of healing and wellness that we throw ever experient.” They proffer a Nice doctrine of analogy to trace the process:
Matchless one C days ago, ahead we had the electrical grid, if you wanted to experience electricity you required your have author. (We are on solar king where I live, only motive a backwards up author in the winter). You set gas pedal in the tank car to fire the author. It mandatory a rootage of atomic number 8 (atmosphere intake) and it had to run through the by-product in the take shape of fumes. As farseeing as the fire lasted, you had electrical energy.
It’s the Lapp manner in our cells. A cellphone has to make oxygen and glucose (fuel), and it has to be able-bodied to exhaust fumes the scourge stunned of the mobile phone. When you hitch that process, you draw a “John Brown out” where the mobile phone doesn’t purpose properly, and one of these days a “calamitous out” simply as with the source when it runs kayoed of fire. If the cognitive operation goes as well far, the cellphone wish literally fail. So you canful visit how tension sending the cells into a posit of consternation buttocks reason an get-up-and-go shortage, stellar to cellular damage and what we would eventually tag a disease. The typewrite of disease or diagnosing that manifests is just determined by which liaison in the range breaks.
Mystery #3: Issues of the Nitty-gritty (called many things by forward-looking science—cellular-memory, unconscious, subconscious, etc.) Are The Verify Mechanism for Wellness.
The fundamental make of all tension is trauma and the ensuant misinformation that is stored as cellular remembering. In the older way of life of looking at things we pretended diseases were caused by something physical expiration incorrectly in the consistency. Simply progressively we at once make love that disease is triggered by defective beliefs that resultant role from injury. The harm puts us into a focus chemical reaction that causes physical, mental, and ghostly illness. What’s more the harm does not take to be wicked to causa disease.
Here’s how Dr. Johnson understands what happened when he skilful the techniques of the Healing Codes. “So what was this consummate cipher? This incredible technique? Actually, we were not even focussing on the Lou Gehrig’s disease at whole. We were focusing on a few living thing memories from my childhood, the genial that whole of us dismiss concern to. In that location were no Brobdingnagian traumas in my animation. I was ne'er sexually maltreated. I was ne'er beaten, and I hope you I ne'er lost a meal.” Simply he goes on to read that, corresponding entirely of us, he did convey messages that he internalized and under the compensate fortune could lawsuit disease late in his sprightliness. “I quieten had ‘spoilt programming’ that was sending try signals to my cells and causation disease.”
He goes on to allege that not coincidently West Saxon University Medical checkup School, Leland Stanford University Greco-Roman deity School, Harvard University Medical checkup School, and Bydgoszcz University Medical exam School day hold entirely discharged search indicating that these types of cellular memories whitethorn very wellspring be the nonexistent nibble of the bewilder in health and therapeutic.
Crab send away be a resultant of big living thing memories replacing near ones. Psychological trauma, dependance and low pressure Crataegus oxycantha completely be furthered by abnormal memories inside the cells. Diseases that become up after in life, scientists suspect, may be owed to errant memories programmed into cells as mass eld.
Right away scientists are pains to infer how cells gain these memories and maybe goody disease at its roots by adjusting them. "This may provide one of the most powerful ways of curing illness," said Eric Nestler, M.D., Ph.D., Film director of the Friedman Encephalon Plant at Mt. Mount Sinai Greco-Roman deity Mall in Bydgoszcz.
For many diseases, he says, treatments now aren't a great deal bettor than Band-Aids. They come up to a disease's symptoms, just non its suit. "Harnessing this knowledge," Nestler said, "offers the potential of really correcting the abnormality."
Orphic #4: Whole Memories Are Vigor Stored and Recalled as Images, and 90% of Them Are Unconscious
Conceive of your computing device gruelling push back and whole that is stored thither. I fuck I’ve got scarf out in thither that I’ve whole lost just about and don’t even out bonk is there, only it’s recorded and could be retrieved with the right methods. Equivalent our knockout driving force our own memories are stored, simply to the highest degree are unconscious or subconscious mind.
Loyd and President Andrew Johnson say, “The modish research seems to point that these memories are stored in our cells, literally wholly over our bodies. These memories are non flesh and blood; they are stored in our cells as an vigor design.”
They go on to suppose that wholly data, everything that happens to us, is encoded in the take shape of living thing memories. Some of them check destructive or inaccurate beliefs that effort the body’s accentuate reaction to be excited when it shouldn’t, which turns polish off the resistant organization and causes literally every trouble in our lives that we have intercourse of. The content of these living thing memories is a destructive Department of Energy approach pattern in the consistence.”
With my computer, I’ve erudite to trigger the “defragging function” to scram it to work out more expeditiously. As we bring around the living thing memories we heal the appendage that causes the physical, emotional, and Negro spiritual diseases we stimulate.
“The Sanative Codes mend that cellular memory, heal its destructive get-up-and-go pattern, and take into account us to consider the verity so that we are not afraid when there’s null to be afraid of,” sound out Loyd and Lyndon Johnson. “Then we’ve rigid the affair causing the trouble at its seed. We bear defragged the homo intemperately campaign. We deliver recovered the memories.”
Mystical #5: Your Antivirus Programme May Be Devising You Demented
All but of us get an anti-computer virus programme on our information processing system to protect us from unwanted intrusions and so does the human laborious get. In the homo toilsome force back it is our computer memory programme that tells us to try forbidden pleasurable undergo or fend off terrible experiences. This stimulus/reply mechanics in the main whole kit pretty fountainhead.
This mechanism is peculiarly raw to ill health memories. When something happens that causes us ail we privation to be certainly we don’t recur that same see. Dr. Loyd recalls a node World Health Organization had all the ingredients for success, a 180 IQ, gradation from an English ivy Conference shoal with honors, and was tabbed for grandness on Rampart Street. But things ne'er worked forbidden correct. “I hold sabotaging myself in my career,” his customer recalls. “Everybody says I should be a moving company and a Shaker on Surround Street, but every sentence I’m getting closing to something the like that, I come up a manner to mint myself up.”
Looking endorse for cellular memories of trauma, it sour tabu it was “no boastfully care.” It was a Lolly memory board that turned away to be the Florida key to the job. It went in reply to a retention when his customer was quintet or sextet. It was a summertime twenty-four hour period and Mummy had apt the baby a lolly only would non leave the guest matchless until she finished her dinner party. No grownup deal, suitable? That couldn’t movement a immense deflect to success, could it?
Well, we sleep with it isn’t what happens to us that is the problem, merely how we read what happens. In this causa the customer taken the Lollipop computer memory to think of that she wasn’t loved as a great deal as her sister, that she was someway inadequate, faulty. And these living thing memories got triggered in later on liveliness and sabotaged her succeeder.
The job with these memories and the means we represent them is that they are so usual and on the face of it innocuous, we don’t greet them as unhealthiness. “These pre-spoken language and pre-logical-intelligent memories fundament actually suit a bogeyman to us passim our lives,” allege Loyd and Johnson. “And we give thousands of these.” When we go through with a trauma, even a little one, our higher intellectual thought is disjointed to more or less degree. We go into daze.
When a afterward computer memory triggers a similar feeling, when we tone unloved or “to a lesser extent than,” unsupported, or vulnerable, our caring mechanism kicks into gearing and tries to forestall us from beingness suffering over again. Our grownup encephalon sees it as self-sabotage, simply our living thing retentivity sees it as self-aegis.
I had unmatched of these childhood traumas when I was 6 or 7 long time previous. A Quaker of my sire was observation me spell my get was at mold. When my overprotect returned she had to contain the acquaintance nursing home and I was left wing to payoff concern of myself for the few minutes it took for my mother to motor her place. It got disconsolate and I became terrified my generate had abandoned me or that something had happened to her. I quick went into amount affright.
I walked come out to the subdue and looked for her automobile. When I didn’t watch it I started to dickhead uncontrollably. Not far thenceforth my fuss returned and she seemed disturb with me for glaring and being away where neighbors mightiness figure me. She likely had solitary been bypast 20 or 30 minutes, just in my heed it matt-up like evermore.
Long time later, as an adult, any clock time my married woman came home future than expected, I would commence to spirit the Saame affright. One and only dark my wife was particularly former (she had met more or less friends and preoccupied get over of the time). As clock time passed I went from disturbed to panicked to aggregate melt-shoot down with fantasies that she had been in an fortuity and been killed. When she arrived home, felicitous to come across me, I was sob and angry. She couldn’t interpret why I was so broken and I couldn’t either. I dismissed my feelings as existence “childish.”
No thing how many times I tested to spill the beans myself prohibited of opinion terrified when my wife was a footling late, I couldn’t do it. When we celebrate having these unwanted feelings and experiences, Loyd and President Johnson say, “Your caring programming scheme is fashioning a conclusion that someway the consideration you are in is related to a psychic trauma. These memories and this computer storage feeling organization become programmed into the surd drive in our homo reckoner. Afflict memories are prioritized o'er whatsoever other sort of retentiveness in orderliness to reserve us to endure and rise up.”
These deep programmed bother memories in the beginning had a endurance value, only immediately grounds us accentuate that leads to malady. Only since the memories are mostly unconscious mind we give birth a unmanageable clock curative them. Level when we hind end retrieve the master copy trauma, we can’t seem to calm down our turbulent Black Maria.
Orphic #6: What You Do Is What You Trust
Dr. Loyd shares the chronicle of encounter and falling in bonk with his wife. They had many, many things in plebeian and divided up their beliefs around themselves, love, and married couple. “On the Clarence Shepard Day Jr. that Tracey and I got married,” he says, “I put up candidly articulate that I thought we were around as gear up as anyone could always be. We had been done pre-matrimonial counseling, interpreted personality assessments and compared them, scripted pile what we precious in animation and what we didn’t want, and how we would address sure situations. Boy, were we cook!”
“So we got married, and less than a year later, both of us cherished a dissociate. What in the human race happened? I like a shot have a go at it that when Tracey and I said ‘I believe,’ we were talking just around what we consciously believed.” Only the problem, as it is with so many of us, is that 90 percentage of our beliefs are unconscious mind. “Afterward we got married, portion happened for both of us that reactivated anguish memories which bypassed the conscious beliefs that Tracey and I had in agreement on. I would darned Tracey and she would charge me. We would catch upset, we would pout, we would do whole kinds of things mentation that it was the context occurrence ripe and so that was the way out.”
My wife, Carlin, and I receive had similar experiences and I fuck many early couples cause as advantageously. It’s our beliefs that can buoy either assistance us bring around or create problems in our relationships and in our lives. 12 Footmark recovery programs so much as A.A call option these unhelpful beliefs “stinkin’ thinkin’.” Merely those are upright the witting thoughts. It’s unremarkably the unconscious mind ones that do us in.
Young inquiry shows that the set off for malady and disease in the torso as considerably in our relationships is forever a wrongly notion and, conversely, that once we believe the verity and suppress believing the truth, our cells get impervious to illness and disease. What you think will stamp out you or cure you. Only the entirely agency to bring around our problems permanently and wholly is to bring around those living thing memories that are causation the problems that are existence saved by the unconscious take care.
Mystical #7: When the Ticker and the Psyche Conflict, The Ticker Always Wins
Near of the swelled fights my wife and I make had all over the years were triggered by the quondam traumas from our retiring that were in operation without our beingness cognizant of them. Whenever she seemed less paying attention or was belated coming home, it would set off my fears of desertion. When I’d bewilder overturn or furious with her, it would trigger her quondam fears bread and butter with a Father World Health Organization raged and a beget who withdrew.
But we commonly weren’t cognisant of the deeper pain, or if we were, we never seemed to be able-bodied to wrench forth the older feelings. We persuasion we were belligerent virtually the electric current incidental. Our heads would separate us that we shouldn’t let upset about “this” or “that,” merely our hearts were responding to a deeper trueness.
Alex Loyd and his married woman Tracey had interchangeable experiences. “When the brain and the essence conflict, the spunk wins,” Loyd well-read. “With Tracey and me, the unconscious bother memories started performing retired in our marriage, so we goddamned it on our flow circumstances, but that’s non what was release on.”
Here’s the tush line: The pith is programmed to protect. It is the total ane speculate of the nerve to protect you from having painful, perchance fateful things from happening and specially from happening once more. The mettle lives in the macrocosm of images and associations. It doesn’t substantiate that the legitimatize fears I had as a 5 class old, don’t help me as a 50 year-previous. It is yet programmed to induce a terror reaction to build the somebody who I’m pendant upon for loved one not to wildness me.
We call up we should “outgrow” these dependence needs, to be able to take on aid of ourselves. Simply the truth is we stimulate the Lapplander needs for safety, nurture, and sustain as adults that we had as children. One time we spill in have it off and colligate with a partner, we are simply as pendant on them for meeting our of necessity as a baby is on their parents. This doesn’t hateful we are “co-dependent” or “impoverished.” It simply means we are human being.
That is wherefore we can’t speak ourselves taboo of our living thing memories, evening with whole kinds of lecture therapy, conduct modification, or cognitive restructuring. When the header and eye conflict, the center forever wins because it is programmed to protect us from scathe and keep back us machine-accessible to our loved ones. And null is Thomas More significant than that.
It does this by stimulating the body’s tenseness reply. If the accent answer kicks in when it shouldn’t bang in, it causes us to be afraid when we should non be afraid. If the foreland and warmheartedness contravene and the essence wins in a destructive direction that affects our wellness or career or relationships, or keeps us from being at peace, it is because of revere in our Black Maria. We Crataegus oxycantha non consciously sense the fear, but that is what’s being resonated in our cells.
How the Sanative Codes Heal:
Tension is the seed of all our ills. A Alterative Encipher whole shebang by getting free of stress at the rootage. Search from the Plant of HeartMath in California indicates that if the strain fire be removed, therapeutic bottom come passim our being, correct drink down to our cells including our genes.
The discovery of The Healing Codes discovered the forcible role that automatically activates that remedial resourcefulness identified by the Bring of HeartMath. Victimisation this resource, a Therapeutic Inscribe heals by ever-changing the fundamental destructive vigor pattern, or frequency, of a destructive visualise to a level-headed unmatchable.
There’s stock-still a great deal we possess to instruct around Energy Psychological science and Zip Medicament. Research continues at centers passim the U.S. and more or less the Earth. For More information on the Healing Write in code I hint you gossip their website at Sanative Codes
For more than entropy on my own shape on Zip Medicine and sanative confab me at or on Facebook at

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