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People often have noble reasons for kicking the cigarette habit, but may not follow through with their efforts. Take the advice in this article to heart, and commit to improving your life by quitting. Put the advice into practice in your own life to realize a smoke-free future.


Might hypnosis work for you? Seeing a licensed hypnotist can be effective and has proven successful for many people. By implanting positive affirmations into your mind while you are in a trance, you will get the boost you need to keep working toward your goal. When you wake up, you may find that cigarettes have somewhat lost their appeal, which is a positive step in the quitting process.

If you want to stop smoking, you need to make a list on how you will go about quitting. Sit down and make a list of things that will work for your personality. Each person is unique as to how they get things done. It is so important you find ideas that are going to work the best for you, personally. Making your own list will accomplish this.

Ensure you go about it one step at a time. Quitting can be a long process. Try not to think about next year, or even next month. Keep your focus on making it through one day at a time, with the idea that the habits you create or break today will follow you into the future.

Get your loved ones to support you in your decision of kicking your bad smoking habit. Make it clear that you need support but that it won't help if they are judgmental. Warn them about the fact that you'll likely be grumpier than usual as you begin the process. You could also be a bit fuzzy-brained. Quitting is one of the most difficult things a smoker may have to go through in their life and gaining the support of your loved ones is imperative to your success.

Enlist in the help of your family and friends to support your efforts to stop smoking. Communicate your need for support, so that they can understand their important roles, rather than becoming judgmental or doubtful. Let them know that you'll be moody at the beginning, since your thinking won't be as clear. It's not easy to quit smoking, and you should be sure you have your loved ones' support during this process.

As you work on quitting smoking, remember to give yourself a reward every time you hit an important milestone. You can take yourself out to a new movie release after the first week. When you go an entire month, go to a fancy restaurant you don't normally go to. After that, continue to reward yourself once in awhile until smoking is no longer on your mind at all.

Create a reward system for yourself ahead of time. Treat yourself to something nice every time you reach your preset goals. Take some time to make a list of the rewards that you really want to enjoy. Make a promise to yourself that you will be granted one of these rewards after a week has passed, and then again after a month has passed. Take the time to put the list in a very visible spot and view it daily. This will provide you with some extra motivation, and it might just keep you from caving in and smoking again.

Allow your family and friends to know that you are giving up smoking. They will support you and keep reminding you that you must quit. A support system can be tremendously valuable. This will help you significantly increase your chance of successfully quitting smoking.

You're already aware of all of the reasons why breaking your smoking habit is a great idea. Addiction to cigarettes is powerful, and knowledge alone may not be sufficient to put you on the right track. Try these methods if you feel discouraged or have trouble fighting a craving for another cigarette. You will soon be on your way to enjoying the great benefits of not smoking.

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