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Research has proven without a doubt that nicotine is extremely addictive. It is, in fact, one of the hardest substances to quit successfully. Be sure to get all the information you can about how to start in your quest to get smoking out of your life.

If you need to smoke, try delaying it. Try telling yourself you can have a smoke after you take a walk, or after you drink a big glass of water. Sometimes, delaying smoking actually is enough to prevent you from taking that puff. If, even after the delay, you still have a cigarette, you will at least have taken up some time, meaning you will smoke less that day.

If you want to quit smoking, join a support group. When you are around people who are going through the same things you are, they can help you with the physical and emotional challenges associated with quitting. People who have been in your position can help guide you through the process. Support groups can be found in many places, even on the Internet, so take some time to research what's available to you.

Prior to starting the smoking cessation process, it is important to be certain that you can stay motivated and committed. Too many people try to quit on a whim and then fail when they are faced with serious obstacles. Help yourself stay motivated by remembering everything that caused you to want to quit, and write them down to help keep them on your mind.

Try therapy that involves nicotine replacement. Nicotine withdrawal is very trying and can exacerbate feelings of stress, depression and anxiety. Cravings can often be overwhelming. You may find that nicotine replacement therapy will help reduce these feelings. Incorporating nicotine gums and patches into a regimen can double the chances for success. However, do not use those products if you are still smoking.

Switching the band of cigarette you smoke can help lead you to quitting. Choose a brand that has an unpleasant taste. Avoid smoking more of them than you normally would or inhaling them in different ways. This technique will get you into a mindset to quit smoking.

Cut back before you quit. That way, you can get off to a good start in your efforts to quit smoking. Wait an hour at least before getting that first smoke of that day. Another alternative is to smoke only part of a cigarette each smoking session.

Try to find a support group online, there are many forums available. Tons of websites exist solely for helping their members kick the habit. You might see that it will help to look at the ways others have quit. Those who have already quit can best understand and support the journey you have undertaken.

When it's time to give up smoking, take care to stay away from the triggers that make you feel like having a cigarette. If you always used to smoke while reading a book, you may have to temporarily put your book down until you have broken your smoking habit. Try to find something to take your mind off of the subject.

Not only is smoking unhealthy, it's dangerous. There are various health risks, like lung cancer, heart attacks, and emphysema. Second-hand smoke is also very dangerous and threatens all those around you when you smoke. Follow the advice provided in this article, and hopefully you will be able to quit smoking successfully. aspire atlantis tank

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