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This saying is true for victims of hair loss too. When you want to know how to regrow that head of hair, you need the right information. Read on for some helpful hints that will give you just that.

hair restoration surgery 

The importance of vitamin C in preventing hair loss cannot be overstated. Collagen plays a vital role in keeping hair alive and healthy. Vitamin C can aid in proper production of collagen. You can increase your intake of vitamin C by consuming citrus fruits or candy drops with vitamin C.

Thoroughly research hair loss treatments and hair restoration methods, so you are more aware of what they contain and what the active ingredients do. You might convince yourself that you should spend more on a product that is the best solution.

Taking care of yourself is even more important if you come down with an illness. Your body will be forced to work harder to stay alive and repair itself if you refuse to take prescribed medication or ignore a doctor's advice. If your body isn't getting what it needs, it may cut back on non-essential processes like maintaining hair follicles. This can potentially lead to the loss of hair.

You may need to change your routine after you get out of the shower if you want to limit the amount of hair you are losing. When you are done washing your hair rub, it gently with a towel to dry it, instead of rubbing vigorously. The use of a hair dryer is not recommended. If you have to, set the dryer on low heat.

Consider purchasing a wig to help you deal with losing your hair. Get a wig while you still have hair, so that you can get the most accurate and natural color match. Purchasing your wig before your hair falls completely out also allows you to prepare yourself for the time that you will need the wig. You can practice wearing it and styling it.

Men who have lost some or all of their hair may want to try liquid saw palmetto. Natural extractions from saw palmetto can help slow the synthesis of DHT. DHT is a male hormone believed by many to be a factor in hair loss. The juice can be squeezed from the fruit and put directly into your hair.

Beware of hair loss if you are taking an anti-depressant. It has been found that many anti-depressants are made with ingredients that can promote hair loss. Speak with your doctor about changing the medication that you are taking to see if that stops your hair loss.

Lower how much stress you are under. The more stress you put yourself under, the more likely it is that you will lose your hair. Stress also accelerates existing hair loss and reduces the effectiveness of any treatments you might be using.

Regularly massaging your scalp can work wonders in preventing hair loss and promotion the growth of new hair. For best results, use some kind of oil, like mineral oil, to massage your scalp.

Review your diet if you start to experience hair loss. An imbalanced diet can cause unhealthy hair. Diets high in carbohydrates and fast foods are especially bad. Try to eat foods that have a lot of protein and are low in fat. Fish, poultry and fresh vegetables will give your hair the vitamins that you need to have long-term health.

When you lose your hair, your first concern is to get your full head of hair back. It will take time but you will regrow your hair by following the information in this article.

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