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Genital herpes is a sent disease triggered by the herpes virus type II sexually. Herpes virus type I could cause cold sores" or fever blisters" on the mouth, but can cause lesions in the genital area also. The symptoms last for about 2 to 3 weeks with regards to the individuals response and immunity to treatment. This is a repeating condition, and there is no everlasting cure for the condition as the virus will stay in the body. We are currently doing safe sex, but would like to know very well what risks are involved in having sex with out a condom when no episode is present, and when oral sex with out a condom is a probability and what the risks are. Viral shedding can occur whenever and occurs near where active herpes sores appear usually.

If you are experiencing recurrent disorders of genital herpes you should consider being analyzed for HIV. This is because genital herpes can be considered a more serious condition in people with HIV. It's also advisable to follow the self-help measures to help reduce your symptoms (see Genital herpes - self applied help ). Avoid sharing towels or flannels with others to ensure that you do not pass on the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) commonly triggers infections of your skin and mucous membranes. Until recently, the general guideline was to presume that HSV-1 infections occur in the mouth (mouth) and are not sexually transmitted, while HSV-2 attacks the genital area and is sexually sent. Actually, HSV-1 is now accountable for up to half of most new situations of genital herpes in developed countries. The herpes simplex virus goes by through fluids (such as saliva, semen, or smooth in the feminine genital tract) or in liquid from a herpes sore. The virus will need to have direct access to the uninfected person through their epidermis or mucous membranes (such as with the mouth area or genital area).

However, there is still a possibility, if the genital essential fluids of the infected person enter a wholesome partner by using a cut, lesion, or available wound, in his/her throat or mouth. Again, these do not cover the complete genital area, and chances of moving the problem still persist. People who have genital herpes should avoid sexual activity when they have got symptoms.

The real truth is, even pharmaceutical companies are away for some money,and an all natural herpes cure does NOT have a billion dollar future in store to allow them to produce effective herpes remedies and essentially have herpes treated like people will need. Meaning an all natural herpes cure or one for hiv, or any virus, cannot just happen right away if you are trying to employ a foreign substance. Not everyone may even care if indeed they get their herpes treated with an all natural herpes cure that is around for years.

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